medical terminology

  1. 3. a flat reddened patch of skin
  2. 4. acute or chronic inflammation of skin
  3. 7. night blindness
  4. 9. sudden involuntary and sometimes, violent contraction of a group of skeletal muscles accompanied by loss of consciousness
  5. 10. contagious infection of the epidermis; many different varieties such as plantar or linear
  6. 11. specialist on heart
  7. 15. weakness in a distal area of the peripheral nerve as a result of trauma or degeneration
  8. 18. a contagious bacterial infection of the skin
  9. 19. inflammation of the testes
  10. 20. inflammation of the breast
  11. 22. a decrease in muscle cell size from either disease or disuse
  1. 1. muscle pain
  2. 2. inflammation of a nerve
  3. 5. another name for wryneck, is a deformity of the neck causing tilting or rotation to one side
  4. 6. farsightedness in older adults
  5. 7. nerve pain
  6. 8. abbreviation of temporomandibular joint dysfunction
  7. 12. abnormal refraction of light coming into the eye
  8. 13. any skin disorder, particularly one that does not involve inflammation
  9. 14. inflammation of the gums
  10. 16. itching
  11. 17. nearsightedness
  12. 21. a benign tumor of the gland