medical terminology

  1. 2. tube from the kidney to the urinary bladder
  2. 4. inflammation of the liver caused by a virus
  3. 7. blood in the urine
  4. 8. difficult or painful urination
  5. 10. inflammation of the small intestine
  6. 12. inflammation of the brain
  7. 13. to the side
  8. 16. mechanical chewing of food
  9. 17. two times per day
  10. 18. male gonads
  1. 1. organ where the fetus develops
  2. 3. inflammation of the stomach
  3. 5. excessive urination
  4. 6. stones in the gallbladder
  5. 9. protrusion of an organ through the diaphragm
  6. 11. surgical removal of the kidney
  7. 14. female gonads
  8. 15. as needed