Medical Terminology

  1. 4. abnormal slow breathing rate
  2. 8. examination of the internal organs by listening to the sounds that they give out
  3. 10. a diminished amount of oxygen in the tissues
  4. 12. a reduction in circulating blood volume due to external loss of body fluids
  5. 13. examination of the organs by touch or pressure of the hand over the part
  6. 16. voluntary agreement with an action proposed by another
  7. 18. name given to the thermometer which measures temperature via the ear
  8. 19. Greek for ingrown toenail
  9. 22. Indulged too much? Got a hangover?
  10. 25. an instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure
  11. 26. Pins and needles
  12. 27. Medical term for a sneeze
  13. 28. Hair standing on end; goose-bumps
  14. 29. situated away from the centre o fthe body or point of origin
  15. 31. persistently high blood pressure
  16. 34. a method of diagnosis by tapping with the fingers
  17. 35. the formation of as thrombus
  18. 37. Runny nose
  19. 38. Crying
  20. 40. Your big toe
  21. 42. abnormal rapid action of the heart and increasing of pulse rate
  1. 1. Glasgow ______ score
  2. 2. What a vasovagal syncope is commonly referred as
  3. 3. Rumbling in the stomach
  4. 5. The breakdown of muscle tissue that leads to the release of muscle fiber contents into the blood
  5. 6. Nosebleed
  6. 7. Not conscious
  7. 9. Care Compassion competence communication ___________ & commitment
  8. 11. spoken, written or given in secret
  9. 14. nearest that point which is considered centre o fteh system
  10. 15. Condition that causes the swelling of a man's breast tissue
  11. 17. instrument used for listening to internal body sounds
  12. 20. vomiting of blood
  13. 21. Muscle twitch
  14. 23. a rise of body temperature between 37 & 40 C
  15. 24. drugs used to block the action of adrenaline on beta-adrenergic receptors in cardiac muscle
  16. 30. Dry mouth
  17. 32. Scab
  18. 33. acetylsalicyle acid
  19. 36. an agent that increases perspiration
  20. 39. The vertical groove between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip
  21. 41. The fleshy extension that hangs at the back of the mouth above the opening of the throat