Medical Words
- 3. Farthest from the center.
- 4. A benign tumor of the uterus.
- 6. The opening created in the abdominal wall (by colostomy for example).
- 7. Pertaining to the breast.
- 9. The protrusion of a loop or knuckle of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening.
- 11. One of the bones in the jaw.
- 15. Pertaining to the region between the upper thoracic wall and the arm.
- 16. Baker's ________: a swelling behind the knee caused by escape of synovial fluid which has become enclosed in a sac of membrane
- 18. Effusion and accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity.
- 19. The portion of the small intestine that extends from the duodenum to the ileum.
- 20. ________ pedis: "Athlete's Foot".
- 21. Magnetic ___________ Imaging
- 22. The irregular quadrangular bone at the back of the tarsus; AKA heel bone.
- 23. Inflammation of main branches of bronchial tree due to infection or irritants.
- 28. A bone in the forearm.
- 29. Reduction of oxygen supply to tissue.
- 30. Paralysis.
- 1. Part of the eyeball.
- 2. Enlargement of thyroid.
- 4. An abnormal passage or communication, usually between two internal organs.
- 5. Fever
- 8. An enlarged and tortuous vein, artery, or lymphatic vessel.
- 10. A localized collection of pus buried in tissue, organs, or confined spaces.
- 12. Cerebrovascular ______________ (AKA stroke)
- 13. A vascular reaction in the upper dermis, AKA hives.
- 14. Difficult or painful urination.
- 17. Disease of a nerve.
- 24. Hormone produced in the pancreas.
- 25. _________ planus: inflammatory pruritic skin disease.
- 26. Verruca
- 27. Benign tumor frequently composed of mature fat cells.