Medication Madness

  1. 4. a beta-blocker that affects the heart and circulation
  2. 5. diuretic that is used to treat edema in people with CHF and lower blood pressure
  3. 9. antihistamine that is also used to treat anxiety
  4. 10. generic name for this medication is liraglutide
  5. 11. brand names for this medication are CaroSpir and Aldactone
  6. 13. brand name for this medication is Benadryl
  7. 16. an SSRI antidepressant
  8. 17. used to treat blood clots (DVTs and Pulmonary Embolisms)
  9. 19. this medication helps lower blood glucose levels in people with diabetes
  10. 20. helps treat nerve pain
  1. 1. a muscle relaxer
  2. 2. Slows production of cholesterol to reduce risk of heart attack or stroke
  3. 3. helps to treat hypothyroidism
  4. 6. an antidepressant that is also used to treat insomnia
  5. 7. ProAir and Ventolin are brand names for this medication
  6. 8. treats patients with high triglycerides
  7. 12. you would take this medication if you have GERD
  8. 14. a calcium channel blocker that helps lower blood pressure
  9. 15. generic name for an ACE inhibitor that is used to treat high blood pressure
  10. 18. brand name for this medication is Cozaar