Medication Management

  1. 4. the act of giving meds
  2. 5. the nurses backup for medication administration
  3. 6. a state of optimal health
  4. 8. the place that dispenses the medications
  5. 11. the person who dispenses the medications
  6. 14. given when type 1 diabetic
  7. 16. condition effecting insulin production
  8. 17. a solid form of medication
  9. 18. liquid inside your body
  1. 1. the person who writes the orders/scripts
  2. 2. a condition that can occur when meds not taken appropriately
  3. 3. a state of health concern
  4. 5. what the pharmacy fills
  5. 7. where the medications are stored and locked
  6. 9. what your meds are dispensed in
  7. 10. a watery form of medication
  8. 12. well organized medication practices
  9. 13. a medication given with a needle
  10. 15. administers and manages medications