Medicinal plants
- 3. works to promote digestive health
- 4. is useful for relieving joint paint
- 9. whiskers benefits of cat whiskers treat gout
- 11. benefits of pomegranate for health relieve arthritis and joint Pain
- 13. benefits of Ginger boiled water, can overcome nausea maintain digesteve heald.
- 15. leaves are often used to relieve inflammation, upper respiratory tract infections, and comlaints related to the liver
- 17. useful for neutralizing toxins in the body
- 18. benefits of dlingo for health relieves inflammation and fever
- 20. fruits containts vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium which are useful for maintaining heart health
- 1. leaves are efficacious to alliviate the negative effects of stomach acid
- 2. benefits for health is to help lower blood pressure
- 5. of god belive to be used for the treatment of diseases such as diabetes, fever, hypertension and constipation
- 6. of god benefits for reducing the risk of cancer and tumors
- 7. benefits for health treat diarrhea to lose weight
- 8. benefits for health increase endurance. Turmeric contanints curcumin wich works to increase endurance
- 10. leaves benefits for the health is of your body provides nutrition for the body
- 12. benefits of temulawak for health prevent cancer
- 14. flowers the benefits of rosella flowers for health as a source of antioxidants for the body
- 16. Vera the benefits of aloe Vera for your health is overcoming dry skin
- 19. benefits to boots the immune syatem and natural moisturizer
- 21. is a herbal remed to help dissolve kidney and blader stones