
  1. 1. is a medical expert who goes in an ambulance to help people when they have been hurt.
  2. 4. are pieces of thread that doctors use to close an injury.
  3. 7. is a chemical that is used to get rid of wrinkles.
  4. 8. is a person who does X-rays.
  5. 9. is a medical procedure that takes an image of the inside of our bodies.
  6. 12. are sticks that people use to walk with after they have broken their leg.
  7. 13. is a place where surgeons operate.
  8. 15. is a person who agrees to give their body parts to science or medicine when they die.
  9. 16. is a doctor who does operations in a hospital.
  1. 2. is a vehicle which takes people to a hospital.
  2. 3. is something which people give to injured people as soon as they have had an accident.
  3. 4. are pieces of thread that doctors use to close an injury.
  4. 5. is a place where patients in a hospital lie in bed.
  5. 6. is something you get in your arm.
  6. 10. is a medical procedure which checks your blood for illness.
  7. 11. is a procedure where doctors cut into patients and repair something that is wrong.
  8. 14. (emergency room) is a hospital department where people who have had accidents go.