
  1. 2. Religion which cared for but did not try to cure patients
  2. 3. Process developed by Pasteur which killed germs through heating
  3. 5. Famous Islamist doctor who wrote the Canon of medicine
  4. 8. developed a new way of sealing wounds on the battlefield using ligatures
  5. 9. Theory developed by Pasteur
  6. 11. one of the things people believed caused the Black Death
  7. 12. Fleming realised that it killed bacteria
  8. 14. The disease once feared as the deadliest studied by Edward Jenner
  9. 17. this National Act in 1911 gave people sickness, maternity and unemployment benefit
  10. 19. The system Harvey based his work on
  11. 21. This person set up the National Health Service
  1. 1. substance that makes people unable to feel pain
  2. 4. developed the theory of opposites based on the four humours
  3. 6. Nurse who brought about significant change in hospitals
  4. 7. wrote On the Fabric of the Human body
  5. 10. type of doctor who had no medical training and sold false cures
  6. 13. Famous for his oath and theory of the four humours
  7. 15. disease was seen as this from God for sinning
  8. 16. What Jenner developed to treat smallpox
  9. 18. Developed a way to stain bacteria so they could be seen under a microscope
  10. 20. substance that prevents the growth of germs, preventing infection