Médico - Medical
- 1. Medicine
- 2. Pill
- 3. Pain
- 5. To breathe
- 6. Fever
- 7. Antibiotic
- 9. Healthy
- 13. To cough
- 14. To sense, to feel
- 15. Prescription
- 17. Cold (illness)
- 18. Patient
- 21. Cough syrup
- 22. To get tired
- 23. Dizzy
- 24. Office
- 1. To disturb
- 4. To get a cold
- 8. Injection
- 10. Flu
- 11. To get sick
- 12. Pharmacist
- 13. Cough (illness)
- 16. To hurt
- 19. Nurse
- 20. Temperature
- 23. Medical, or doctor