Medieval Crime and Punishment

  1. 5. Crimes that are against society's views, e.g. public drunkenness
  2. 8. A Law Enforcer introduced in the Later Middle Ages.
  3. 9. Someone who investigates suspicious deaths.
  4. 12. A title you are given if you run away after committing a crime. You lose all legal protections.
  5. 16. A law that made killing Normans worse than killing Anglo-Saxons.
  6. 18. Setting fire to a building to cause property damage.
  7. 20. A punishment that ends in death, e.g. Execution
  8. 21. Taking an oath to prove your innocence during a trial.
  9. 22. Belief in something other than the established religion.
  10. 23. Money paid by a criminal to the victim of a crime or their family.
  11. 25. Ten men who all take responsibility for each others crimes.
  12. 26. Illegally hunting on land that belongs to someone else.
  13. 27. A criminal could ask the church for this. They would not be captured so long as they remained in the church.
  1. 1. A local law enforcer appointed to bring criminals to justice. Later became known as sheriffs.
  2. 2. A type of punishment where you are whipped.
  3. 3. Betraying the King, e.g. plotting to kill or overthrow him.
  4. 4. A group of men that would help track down criminals.
  5. 6. A punishment that severely harms a criminal without killing them, e.g. maiming
  6. 7. Something that discourages someone from doing something.
  7. 10. Marking a criminal by burning their flesh with a hot iron.
  8. 11. A method of trial using a specific task, e.g. holding a hot iron or being dunked in water
  9. 13. A method of trial where two people fight over who is innocent.
  10. 14. When a crime is committed, everyone in the village needs to do this.
  11. 15. The place where a witch or heretic would be burned.
  12. 17. The second part of the punishment for treason where your organs would be removed from your body.
  13. 19. A Written Law.
  14. 24. A type of punishment to humiliate the criminal by holding them in one place.