Medieval Names and Terms

  1. 1. land given by a lord to a vassal in return for military, and other services
  2. 2. Ages Medieval Period
  3. 5. a high official of the Catholic Church who was appointed by the pope; a new leader was chosen by a meeting of ________
  4. 6. a well-to-do noble who owned an estate _____ usually lived in a castle
  5. 8. the act of removing a person from membership in the church because of wrongful things
  6. 11. qualities of a good knight such as bravery, politeness, respect for women and protection of the weak
  7. 15. a serious crime of the Middle Ages in which a person held beliefs that the church felt were wrong
  8. 16. a church official who oversaw the work of priests within hos district
  9. 17. class of rich people, nobles or lords
  10. 19. expeditions sent by the pope to capture the holy land from Muslim Turks
  11. 20. where the lord and his knights lived; usually built on a cliff or hilltop to make it easier to defend against attack
  12. 21. wandering minstrels who wrote poems that usually expressed love for a beautiful lady of noble birth
  13. 22. pieces of iron worn by a knight for protection in battle.
  14. 25. a noble who was given land by a lord in return for military service to the lord
  15. 27. holy man who travelled from place to place helping poor and needy while teaching the ways of God
  16. 28. building where monks lived
  17. 29. a large piece of land owned by a lord during the middle ages
  18. 30. a contest between two nights on horseback; armed with lances
  19. 31. clowns who appear before a lord and tried to make him laugh with humorous words and actions
  1. 1. arrangement between lord, vassal, and serf for ownership of land and military service
  2. 2. a large piece of land owned by a lord (also estate)
  3. 3. Church ppl of the Middle ages believed it represented God's rules and teachings
  4. 4. a person who rules a country
  5. 7. singers and musicians who entertained lords during the Middle ages; played harps guitars and flutes
  6. 9. an official of the church, such as priest, bishop, or cardinal
  7. 10. a court set up by the Roman Catholic Church to investigate heresy and punish heretics
  8. 12. poor people who worked for lords during Middle Ages; worked long hours, poorly fed and clothed
  9. 13. head of the Roman Catholic Church
  10. 14. a man of honour who held a high military rank only men who were trained in warfare and who showed good personal qualities were chosen by lords
  11. 18. poor people who worked on manors; also called serfs
  12. 21. a contest or joust between 2 knights or 2 groups of knights
  13. 23. gave up all his property and dedicated his life to serving God
  14. 24. ages a period of several hundred years during the early Middle ages when fear and confusion spread among the ppl of Western Europe
  15. 26. a clergyman of the Christian Church