Medieval Vocab review

  1. 5. A member of a high class in society who inherits his or her status
  2. 6. A code of conduct for knights
  3. 7. King of the Franks who united the Christians in Europe
  4. 8. Nobleman who received land from a king in medieval feudal society. Managed the manor.
  5. 9. A person who lived and worked on the private land of a noble or medieval lord
  6. 11. A series of religious wars to try and take the holy land
  7. 16. To change one's religion
  8. 17. Belief in many gods
  9. 19. A poor farmer
  10. 20. A Christian religious community
  1. 1. A disease that killed more than a third of Europe's population during the Middle Ages
  2. 2. Belief in one God
  3. 3. A follower of a polytheistic religion in ancient times.
  4. 4. The spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another.
  5. 6. The religious leaders who oversee ceremonies and deliver teachings of the Christian Church
  6. 10. Warrior in medieval Europe
  7. 12. Charter that limited the king's power
  8. 13. monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Bible and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior.
  9. 14. to mistreat a person or group on the basis of their beliefs
  10. 15. A person, usually a lesser nobleman, who received land and protection from a feudal lord in exchange for obedience and service
  11. 16. A towering church built during the Middle Ages; often the place from which a bishop ruled
  12. 18. A self-contained world located on land belonging to a lord