Meet Jane

  1. 2. What I do when I need time to think
  2. 3. One thing that I love to do with my mom
  3. 5. The drink I love to have a cup of with my dad in the mornings
  4. 8. Favorite season
  5. 9. Favorite fruit
  6. 11. Something that I struggle with and am working to get better at
  7. 13. My first job
  8. 14. Best subject in school
  9. 15. Name of my dog
  10. 17. Dream dog
  11. 18. The scariest thing I have done in my life
  12. 19. This was not my favorite holiday as a kid, but I have grown to appreciate it so much
  13. 20. Dream place to live
  14. 21. The sorority I am in
  15. 22. Someone I could not do life without
  16. 25. My favorite quality about myself
  17. 26. Favorite ice cream flavor
  1. 1. The Netflix show that never fails to cheer me up.
  2. 4. The sport that I used to love
  3. 6. Favorite singer
  4. 7. What my family does on holidays
  5. 10. What I like to do on vacation
  6. 12. Home town
  7. 16. This was once my childhood dream job
  8. 23. One of my favorite TV shows
  9. 24. What I turn to when I am feeling down.