- 4. the strongest frat bro
- 7. Funny Planet
- 10. a Common social platform for "degenerates"
- 13. a popular name for a Shiba Inu
- 15. Lebron James presents this drink
- 17. has the highground
- 18. "Is __ an instrument?"
- 20. Features a mechanical bear as the mascot Abv.
- 23. This "scary" phrase said around halloween
- 25. KACHOW!
- 27. Sym:Odd stuff
- 28. does not have the highground
- 29. "A Platypus?"
- 30. Said to a pair of shoes
- 33. lives in a swamp
- 34. A saying said before doing something incredibly stupid
- 35. said by a dog surrounded by a building on fire.
- 1. a president who ran in the 2016 elections
- 2. A show Based in this work place
- 3. often used to farm views on tik tok.
- 5. the debated strongest character in any cartoon
- 6. surprised ___ face
- 8. phrase from the game elden ring, often paired with megamind
- 9. A snake bit him, and after 5 days of excruciating pain, the snake died.
- 11. that guy
- 12. Often the symbol of cheekiness
- 13. Dark,and wet
- 14. made by mojang
- 15. This funny skeleton from undertale
- 16. The comeback to any decent roast
- 19. the best friend of this starfish
- 21. Someone who wants to speak to a manager
- 22. often gets blamed by 1 down
- 24. the result of a great transaction
- 26. Thaws out every Nov 1st
- 31. The Decedent of tiktok
- 32. Favored snack in 2015