Memory and States of Consciousness

  1. 4. the loading dock of the brain so to speak (memory consolidation)
  2. 6. yellow banana?
  3. 8. I am paralyzed? But also falling and running and laughing and scared
  4. 9. what we owe ourselves when we don't sleep
  5. 10. like a dog who doesn't go get the ball
  6. 11. the mastermind behind your bedtime
  7. 12. New Phone, who dis?
  8. 14. basketball players may be good at this?
  9. 16. tick tock, it's bedtime
  10. 19. the best way to study
  11. 22. I can't live without you!
  12. 24. is the subject awareness of ourselves and our environment
  13. 26. missed the big gorilla?
  1. 1. Led to the hit tv show Euphoria?
  2. 2. Process by which memories are processed and then stored in the brain
  3. 3. wait how did I get here?
  4. 5. apt name for a Greek surfer
  5. 7. zoned in
  6. 13. thinking on the job or our scratch pad
  7. 15. you get my heart racing?
  8. 17. hiding from ourselves?
  9. 18. type of memory you need for this test
  10. 20. individual who theorized latent meaning in dreams
  11. 21. the ultimate sleep "elixir"
  12. 23. up all night, contemplating life
  13. 24. an easy way to remember a credit card number
  14. 25. periodic loss of consciousness