Mendel's Law of Inheritance

  1. 2. two SAME alleles
  2. 3. dominant allele will be shown if present
  3. 8. section of DNA
  4. 9. genetic makeup (alleles of an individual)
  5. 10. pairs are passed down seperately forming new genetic combination
  6. 11. uncommon allele (less likely to have)
  7. 13. gene pairs seperate so each parent pass down one form of gene to offspring
  1. 1. common allele (most have it)
  2. 4. tightly wound DNA
  3. 5. physical appearance
  4. 6. version of a gene
  5. 7. two DIFFERENT alleles
  6. 8. individual characteristics
  7. 12. father of genetics
  8. 14. specific characteristic