Mendel's Work

  1. 3. Gregor Mendel's occupation
  2. 4. The Father of Genetics
  3. 6. The different forms of a gene (ex. one for tall plants, one for short plants)
  4. 8. Trait always shows up when the allele is present
  5. 11. Type of plant Mendel ran his experiements on
  6. 12. The offspring of many generations that have the same trait
  7. 13. The passing of physical characteristics from parents to offspring
  8. 14. Mendels method of controlling the fertilization of pea plants
  1. 1. The offspring of the parental generation
  2. 2. Two different alleles for a trait
  3. 5. Trait is hidden whenever the dominant allele is present
  4. 7. Each different form of a characteristic (ex. stem height, seed color)
  5. 9. Controls a trait
  6. 10. The scientific study of heredity