Mental Health

  1. 3. A mental health condition often linked to trauma or stress.
  2. 4. A positive emotion linked to well-being and happiness.
  3. 7. A technique to relax and reduce stress, often with deep breathing.
  4. 9. A condition involving difficulty paying attention and impulsivity.
  5. 11. A mental health condition causing a detachment from reality.
  6. 14. A mental health disorder characterized by extreme mood swings.
  7. 16. A chemical messenger in the brain affecting mood and emotion.
  8. 18. A form of therapy that focuses on changing negative thought patterns.
  1. 1. A common symptom of depression, a loss of interest or pleasure.
  2. 2. A condition characterized by intense, irrational fears.
  3. 3. A medical professional who treats mental health conditions.
  4. 5. A state of feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and unable to cope.
  5. 6. A feeling of intense fear or panic.
  6. 8. A state of mental clarity and emotional balance.
  7. 10. A feeling of sadness or despair.
  8. 11. A state of inner calm and tranquility.
  9. 12. A disorder causing excessive fear and avoidance of situations.
  10. 13. A type of therapy involving talking with a trained counselor.
  11. 15. A common mental health issue in which persistent worry dominates.
  12. 17. A mental health disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions.