Mental health

  1. 5. This type of support is crucial for those with mental health issues.
  2. 6. Physician specializing in mental illness who establishes diagnoses, treatments and prescribes medication as needed.
  3. 10. A very common substance-related disorder in Canada
  4. 12. Often found to be very beneficial in combination with medication.
  5. 15. It is important to recognize them and express them adequately.
  6. 17. This type of change is necessary to prevent people from suffering in silence.
  7. 19. A disorder characterized by a sad or irritable mood, or a general lack of interest or pleasure.
  8. 20. illness 1 in 5 people will suffer from it in their lifetime.
  9. 21. Finding the strength to continue despite difficulties.
  10. 22. This week’s event aims at raising it.
  1. 1. Mood disorder characterized by alternating episodes of depression and mania.
  2. 2. It takes a lot of ___ to live with a mental illness.
  3. 3. People with mental illness often suffer from it.
  4. 4. A disorder characterized by intense feelings of dread, fear or worry due to anticipated or perceived danger.
  5. 5. Intentional act aimed at killing oneself in order to put an end to a suffering deemed unbearable.
  6. 7. Psychotic disorder which results in a marked disturbance of ideas and perceptions often provoking hallucinations and delusions.
  7. 8. Unfortunately, mental illness still often is.
  8. 9. Sharing our story creates ____ for those who are suffering.
  9. 11. Preconceived views about people with addiction and mental health problems.
  10. 13. Taking care of your mental health is a form of ___
  11. 14. Being able to count on our colleagues to obtain some is often very beneficial.
  12. 16. A feeling often experienced by people with a mental health disorder.
  13. 18. Asking for it is not always easy, but oh so necessary!