mental health

  1. 3. direct your attention at something
  2. 5. all, everything in general.
  3. 9. worry
  4. 10. a doctor (surgery or operation)
  5. 12. support or argue for something or someone.
  6. 15. resting day(2words without white space)
  7. 16. a feeling of nervousness
  8. 17. power or skill to do things.
  9. 19. written description of a new law that is being suggested.
  1. 1. mental sadness
  2. 2. make wise use of something or someone (3words without white space)
  3. 4. cool down
  4. 6. related to our bodies.
  5. 7. resting day (2 words)
  6. 8. the way a person acts. (adjective)
  7. 11. very important , needs an immediate attention.
  8. 13. very dangerous, very difficult situation.
  9. 14. adjective form of "calm"
  10. 18. the force that one thing can do for another thing.