Mental Health And Well-Being

  1. 11. having a person or connection to rely on
  2. 12. I am stressed and show worry towards social situations
  3. 13. Am am showing what when I really want to achieve something
  4. 15. having the ability to bounce back from adversity
  5. 18. an individuals characteristics also referred to as their...
  6. 20. someone with this illness often has changes in mood and energy levels as well as the ability to function efficiently
  1. 1. someone with this condition shows symptoms including delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, trouble with thinking and lack of motivation.
  2. 2. My health can rely on my...
  3. 3. a person that gives professional advice
  4. 4. a diagnoses mental condition involving severely unhappy
  5. 5. having a proper what schedule will contribute positively on your mental health
  6. 6. Having a leisure activity you enjoy and makes you happy
  7. 7. being happy and motivated
  8. 8. some people don’t feel they need this but often will benefit them
  9. 9. The organ that controls your thoughts and emotions
  10. 10. an overwhelming emotion that everyone deals with through their life
  11. 14. most people get this, however this condition can be quite severe and diagnoses as a mental illness
  12. 16. psychological disorders directed by abnormal or disturbed eating habits (such as anorexia).
  13. 17. to improve my mental health and release dopamine I can do some...
  14. 19. a mental condition involving having a tendency towards excessive perfectionism, and great attention to detail.