Mental Health Boosters

  1. 2. Having a network of people who provide emotional and practical support
  2. 6. Giving time and energy to help others
  3. 12. Seeking help from a mental health professional when needed
  4. 15. Feeling of appreciation and thankfulness
  5. 16. Focusing on the positive aspects of life and letting go of negative thoughts
  6. 18. Consuming foods that promote physical and mental health
  7. 19. Period of rest and rejuvenation
  1. 1. Physical and mental discipline that combines postures, breathing, and meditation
  2. 2. Positively interacting with others
  3. 3. Listening to or creating music as a form of self-expression
  4. 4. Practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment
  5. 5. Practice of focusing the mind to achieve clarity and relaxation
  6. 7. Professional treatment of mental or emotional disorders
  7. 8. Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment
  8. 9. Physical activity that improves health and well-being
  9. 10. Engaging in activities that allow for self-expression and imagination
  10. 11. Expression of joy or amusement
  11. 13. Taking intentional actions to care for one's physical and mental health
  12. 14. Writing down thoughts and feelings as a form of self-reflection
  13. 17. Spending time in natural environments