Mental Health Crossword #2

  1. 3. limit _____ and media consumption to reduce panic.
  2. 6. set _________ and limits for yourself and others to manage stress.
  3. 8. letting go of things you cannot ____ is a step of self-care and acceptance.
  4. 10. ________ and emotions have a profound effect on one another. The way we think can influence the way we feel.
  5. 11. be _____ to yourself. This is a hard time for everyone.
  6. 12. plan a shared activity to stay socially ______ with friends and family.
  1. 1. choose a _____________ technique such as mindful meditation, yoga, deep breathing, etc. to manage stress.
  2. 2. eating _________ meals can help manage your mood.
  3. 4. daily _________ and rituals provide stability.
  4. 5. when there is worry about the future, it helps to take it ___ day at a time.
  5. 7. denying or bottling up your ________ tend to increase stress. Talk it out with a loved one or a counsellor.
  6. 9. focus on a new skill or engage in a ______ to improve wellness and stay mentally sharp and focused.