Mentoring Minds Unit 2 Vocabulary

  1. 3. Great interest in or excitement for a subject or cause
  2. 8. To continue in a belief or course of action in spite of discouragement
  3. 9. Act effectively and use imagination to get out of a difficult situation
  4. 10. first, beginning
  5. 11. A person or thing that excites the mind or emotions
  6. 12. Dull, boring, lacking excitement or variety
  7. 14. A powerful feeling such as love, joy, or hatred
  1. 1. To operate and own your own business and assume all of the risk
  2. 2. Something that may be carried with ease because it is small and not tied down
  3. 4. Inventive skill, imagination, cleverness
  4. 5. Unavoidable, urgent, a must, important
  5. 6. Something offered or bought at a low price
  6. 7. Successful, enjoying wealth
  7. 10. A commitment of time, effort, and or money
  8. 13. Slang for great style