Merilie Crossword Challenge 3

  1. 2. Merilee brought Dan back a little treasure trove of exotic animals in a tiny case and they were made out of ___ (p.s. he still has them!)
  2. 5. Granny's paternal great-grandfather was named ___ Utt.
  3. 6. 2 words, What did Merilie use to protect her prized vegetables from the hungry gopher.
  4. 7. Granny had the wonderful phrase "Isn't it ___" when something funny would happen.
  5. 9. What island did The Durrels live on?
  6. 10. What was one of Granny's tiniest collections, in a special Iranian wooden box? Hint: On a bookcase shelf in Granny's bedroom.
  1. 1. 2 words, When the Wilson kids were in danger of getting sunburned while camping, Granny put ___ on their heads.
  2. 3. When they were, Merilie used to take Dan and Mary Ann ___ on Sinaloa Ranch in Simi
  3. 4. What is the name of the people on the Summer migration to winter grazing documented in "Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life"?
  4. 8. Poppa Tom's first big ranching project in Sinaloa involved planting hennequin, but the plants got gobbled up by ___.