Merry Christmas
- 2. Place where people shop for Christmas gifts
- 4. figure which you make with snow and put a carrot on it
- 6. Thing that you give to someone in Christmas
- 8. place where Santa Claus enters the house
- 10. Object which in placed on top of Christmas tree
- 13. Christmas decoration which we placed on the railings and the Christmas tree
- 15. Liquid which is drunk to keep warm
- 16. Songs we sing when it´s christmas
- 17. Object where gifts are kept to distribute them
- 18. Item of clothing we use to keep our hands warm
- 1. Object where we put christmas accesories and presents
- 3. Person with wings who announced the brith of Jesus
- 5. Food which is left for Santa CLaus and the reindeer
- 7. Instrument which is used in Christmas carols
- 9. Vegetable that makes a snowman´s nose
- 10. Person who goes from house to house leaving gifts at Christmas
- 11. Animals whose job is to help deliver gifts
- 12. Thing with which we make snowballs
- 14. item of clothing which is placed in the fireplace
- 19. They are helpers who help Santa Claus