Merry Christmas

  1. 2. Place where people shop for Christmas gifts
  2. 4. figure which you make with snow and put a carrot on it
  3. 6. Thing that you give to someone in Christmas
  4. 8. place where Santa Claus enters the house
  5. 10. Object which in placed on top of Christmas tree
  6. 13. Christmas decoration which we placed on the railings and the Christmas tree
  7. 15. Liquid which is drunk to keep warm
  8. 16. Songs we sing when it´s christmas
  9. 17. Object where gifts are kept to distribute them
  10. 18. Item of clothing we use to keep our hands warm
  1. 1. Object where we put christmas accesories and presents
  2. 3. Person with wings who announced the brith of Jesus
  3. 5. Food which is left for Santa CLaus and the reindeer
  4. 7. Instrument which is used in Christmas carols
  5. 9. Vegetable that makes a snowman´s nose
  6. 10. Person who goes from house to house leaving gifts at Christmas
  7. 11. Animals whose job is to help deliver gifts
  8. 12. Thing with which we make snowballs
  9. 14. item of clothing which is placed in the fireplace
  10. 19. They are helpers who help Santa Claus