
  1. 2. Cities with leaders and a strong government.
  2. 4. When people believe in multiple gods.
  3. 9. Farming A effective way of farming on plain land
  4. 12. People who study ancient/old history
  5. 13. A triangular structure.
  6. 14. Starving due to lack of food.
  7. 15. Dryness that can cause lack of crops.
  1. 1. A Peninsula in Central America.
  2. 3. Buildings used to practice religious practices.
  3. 5. A civilization where the Mayan lived.
  4. 6. A written language using drawings.
  5. 7. A theory of how humans were able to walk through southward.
  6. 8. Society,Writing,Art,Religion,Trade in one place
  7. 10. Traditions that can be shown through religion and art.
  8. 11. Mexico and Central America.