Mesopotamia Review

  1. 2. when soil is good for farming
  2. 5. moving water to be used in farming
  3. 6. Temple found in each city-state
  4. 8. the class that included farmers, merchants,a nd artisans
  5. 10. the invention that allowed Mesopotamians to mix dry surface soil with fertile soil below it
  6. 11. the class that included enslaved people
  7. 12. the class that included kings, priests/priestesses, and government workers
  8. 16. A long period of time with little precipitation (rain or snow)
  9. 18. Babylonian emperor who created the first system of laws in the world
  10. 19. farming and raising animals
  1. 1. A society with cities, a government, different jobs, and different levels of power (like Queen, warrior, priest, farmer)
  2. 3. A collection of cities ruled by an emperor
  3. 4. a city and it's surrounding land
  4. 7. A region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers where the first cities were created. It was where writing, agriculture, and laws were first created.
  5. 9. Having more of something than you need to survive
  6. 13. The belief in more than one god
  7. 14. the first system of writing in the world
  8. 15. A flat area of fertile land surrounding a river
  9. 17. the domesticated animal that protected food from mice