
  1. 3. system responsible for taking glucose to the cells
  2. 4. body system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
  3. 6. where our body gets its food and oxygen from
  4. 7. transfer point between the lungs and the circulatory system
  5. 8. molecules that are the building blocks of protein
  6. 11. molecule cells need besides amino acids and oxygen
  7. 12. condition where sugar cannot enter the cells due to lack of insulin
  8. 15. name of Dr. we are helping to diagnose a condition
  9. 19. what starch is broken down into
  10. 20. transfer point between the circulatory system and the cells
  11. 21. body system that transports molecules to and from all cells of the body
  12. 22. condition where tubes of the lungs squeeze tighter restricting oxygen from entering the bloodstream
  13. 25. molecule that organisms use to release energy and made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms
  1. 1. key to unlock the cell membrane and let glucose inside
  2. 2. condition where a decrease of digestive enzymes makes it hard to break down food for cells to use
  3. 5. the body's use of molecules for energy and growth
  4. 9. body system that takes in food and breaks it down
  5. 10. transfer point between the small intestines and the circulatory system
  6. 13. a type of cell in our classroom model of the human body systems
  7. 14. organ that sends digestive juices to the small intestine to break down our food into smaller molecules
  8. 16. condition where low blood cell count limits oxygen to cells
  9. 17. a group of atoms joined together in a particular way
  10. 18. name of girl with condition the Dr. and we are trying to diagnose
  11. 23. one of the things we thought might be the problem for the tired girl, but we ruled out as a possibility
  12. 24. amount of sugar in the blood in a person with diabetes