  1. 3. 80% of the elements
  2. 4. Metals are good conductors of which makes them ideal for making wires
  3. 5. This nonmetal, a precious form of Carbon, does not conduct electricity
  4. 7. A precious metal used to make jewelry
  5. 9. This nonmetal, a form of Carbon, conducts electricity
  6. 11. Glass and wood are examples
  7. 13. Metals are good conductors of which makes them ideal for making wires
  8. 14. right side of the semi metal
  9. 15. A metal that is liquid at room temperature
  10. 17. An element's shine
  1. 1. Side of the periodic table where metals are found
  2. 2. Mixture of two or more different metals
  3. 4. first element of periodic table
  4. 6. rows are there in the periodic table
  5. 8. Many metals have a surface
  6. 10. Metal used to make foil for cooking
  7. 12. The property of being easy to bend or flatten
  8. 16. 2nd element in the periodic table
  9. 18. Metal used to make coins and jewelry