
  1. 1. The set of all solutions to the homogeneous equation Ax = 0
  2. 3. the dimension of a matrix’s null space
  3. 5. A character of a set of vectors; no nontrivial linear combination of the vectors that equals the zero vector
  4. 7. Vectors whose dot product is equal to 0
  5. 8. The span of the column vectors of a matrix
  6. 9. (of a set of vectors) All possible linear combinations of the vectors in the set
  1. 2. A vector x such that, for an n x n matrix A, Ax = cx
  2. 4. Describing an equation containing the derivative of a function
  3. 6. (of a matrix) a matrix with a nonzero determinant
  4. 7. (of a differential equation) The highest derivative appearing in a diff eq.