
  1. 2. A physical or psychological need for methamphetamine
  2. 5. The body's ability to build up a resistance to the effects of methamphetamine
  3. 6. Abbr: Combination of behavioral and medication therapy to treat meth addiction
  4. 7. Stimulant used to reduce meth craving
  5. 10. The process of helping people to recover from methamphetamine addiction
  6. 13. Stimulant reduce meth craving
  7. 16. Teaching people about the dangers of methamphetamine use and how to avoid addiction
  8. 18. To sell or transport methamphetamine
  9. 19. A device used to smoke methamphetamine
  10. 23. The presence of two or more disorders in the same person
  11. 24. To administer methamphetamine into the bloodstream
  12. 25. The return to methamphetamine use after a period of abstinence
  13. 26. The physical and emotional symptoms that occur after a methamphetamine binge
  1. 1. A device used to inject methamphetamine
  2. 3. The equipment needed for a particular activity.
  3. 4. The process of healing and regaining control over one's life after methamphetamine addiction
  4. 8. To inhale methamphetamine through the nose
  5. 9. Slang term for a person who manufactures methamphetamine
  6. 11. Increased level of plasma myoglobin due to myotoxicity or muscle trauma
  7. 12. A slang term for the effects of methamphetamine use
  8. 14. Efforts to stop people from starting to use methamphetamine
  9. 15. The negative attitudes and discrimination that people with methamphetamine addiction often face
  10. 17. The help and encouragement that people with methamphetamine addiction need to recover
  11. 18. Pleasure and reward neurotransmitter
  12. 20. To inhale the fumes of methamphetamine
  13. 21. Abbr; for therapy that uses rewards to maintain sobriety
  14. 22. A period of excessive methamphetamine use
  15. 23. Abbr; Therapy that helps identify and change thoughts and behaviors of addiction