
  1. 6. "shot heard around the world"
  2. 10. queen of england
  3. 14. charles 2 restored the monarchy
  4. 16. representatives from all other colonies met and wrote the declaration of rights and greivances
  5. 18. new monarchs after james 2
  6. 19. law that gave the east india company an advantage in the tea buisness
  7. 20. also called bloodless revolution
  8. 21. dissolved parliament
  9. 23. committee appointed to draft the declaration of independence
  10. 24. british troops fired into a mob and killed 5 people
  11. 25. wrote first constitution of any european nation
  1. 1. king prohibited colonists to settle past the appalachian mountains to avoid conflict with native americans
  2. 2. taxed most of the printed materials in 1765
  3. 3. the french and indian war was expensive
  4. 4. war over british expansion
  5. 5. great britian recognized independence of the usa
  6. 7. daughter was asked to overthrow him
  7. 8. used his principles in the declaration of independence
  8. 9. protected citizens from the government
  9. 11. father of charles1
  10. 12. in response to the boston tea party they closed the boston harbor, and placed a military governer over massachusets and also made people quater troops
  11. 13. thomas jefferson wrote the first draft
  12. 15. used his and john lockes philsophies
  13. 17. because of absolute rule of charles 1
  14. 22. beheaded charles 1