MGMT 2350 Management history

  1. 3. Bureaucratic Mgt Theory
  2. 5. Fayol theory influence on this
  3. 6. Acceptance theory of Authority
  4. 9. Taylor's theory influenced this
  5. 10. Scientific Mgt Theory
  6. 12. the industrial revolution started here
  7. 13. Administrative Mgt Theory
  8. 14. Hawthorne Studies scientist
  9. 15. Perspective looking for "one best way"
  1. 1. Contingency perspective
  2. 2. Approach to MGT looking at input & output
  3. 4. this increased each time with Hawthorne Studies
  4. 7. Perspective dependent on current situation
  5. 8. this renaissance affected the progress of mgt theory
  6. 11. Personality Fits career
  7. 13. Super-ordinate goals in her theory