MH - Adam H

  1. 2. USed in circuitry as electricity conductor
  2. 4. Chemically reactive and used in battery cathodes
  3. 10. Used in capacitors to regulate voltage and improve audio
  4. 11. Used in circuits, capacitors, and plating
  5. 14. Only used in colors of screen
  6. 15. Provide lithium used for lithium-ion batteries
  7. 16. Makes up the glass screen (main ingredient)
  8. 18. Used in radio frequency and power amplifiers
  9. 21. Used in colors, circuitry, and speakers
  10. 25. Produces copper that conducts heat and electricity (used most)
  11. 26. Used in colors, glass, circuitry, and speakers
  12. 27. Used in batteries for ites electrical and thermal conductivity
  13. 28. Provide LED backlighting
  1. 1. Used in colors, circuitry, and vibration
  2. 3. Naturally occuring, inorganic, crystalline structure
  3. 5. Used for colors in screen
  4. 6. Used in screen's conductive coating
  5. 7. Used for glass polishing, colors, and circuitry
  6. 8. Used in colors, circuitry, speakers, and vibration
  7. 9. Used for liquid crystal displays (transparent)
  8. 12. Conducts electricity which is used in battery, display, and circuits
  9. 13. Produces silicon used as base of integrated circuits
  10. 17. Used only in circuitry
  11. 19. Produces magnets used in speakers, microphones, and vibrations
  12. 20. Used to strengthen screen
  13. 22. Used to create transparent circuits in display
  14. 23. Used as heat sink and mass for vibration
  15. 24. Used in circuits, vibration, and speakers