Mia Mazak

  1. 2. A phrase that has a different meaning than what it literally suggests.
  2. 6. The descriptive language used in a story to create word pictures.
  3. 7. The main character.
  4. 8. The writer uses this to reveal or create characters in a story.
  5. 9. A conversation between characters that usually reveals traits about them.
  6. 14. A portrait of words of a person, place, or object.
  7. 16. A combination of words that contradict each other.
  8. 17. An authors choice of words/vocabulary in a story.
  9. 18. The writers attitude towards their audience.
  10. 19. A story with two or more levels of meaning.
  11. 20. A hint given to the reader that hints at the future.
  12. 21. A comparison between two things using "like" or "as".
  1. 1. A comparison of two different things not using "like" or "as".
  2. 3. Characters sudden insight on a conflict.
  3. 4. An interruption in the story to see something that happened previously.
  4. 5. The time and location of a story.
  5. 7. When something not human is given human attributes.
  6. 10. details about information that is not stated, it is an "educated guess".
  7. 11. Uses exaggeration to emphasize a situation.
  8. 12. main idea or underlying meaning of the story.
  9. 13. The struggle between two opposing forces.
  10. 15. The authors unique way of writing.
  11. 21. Refers to the feeling that the writer creates in a story.
  12. 22. A brief reference to a historical event, object, or person.