
  1. 5. The most recent pandemic was caused by this virus
  2. 6. Engulfs pathogens
  3. 9. Produced to help us fight off viruses
  4. 12. The scientific name given to a disease that can be passed from person to person.
  5. 14. A non living cell that can infect anyone and harms healthy cells by producing antigens.
  6. 15. A microbe that can cause harm.
  7. 17. A drug that relieves pain and controls inflammation.
  8. 18. Produced by lymphocytes to destroy or target viruses.
  9. 20. Destroys pathogens with antibodies
  10. 22. A bacteria or infection that can cause harm.
  11. 23. A drug the relieves pain and helps maintain body temperature.
  12. 25. A living that produces toxins that can cause infection.
  1. 1. Malaria is an example of this and an amoeba.
  2. 2. A virus that has no cure and is found in western Africa prodominantly.
  3. 3. Produced by bacteria to make us sick
  4. 4. There is not a cure for this virus but we can stop it from multiplying.
  5. 7. A virus used to help stop small pox in the first ever vaccine.
  6. 8. A drug that relieves pain
  7. 10. A bacteria found in contaminated water near natural disasters.
  8. 11. A virus that was cured by the first ever vaccine.
  9. 13. an antibody is this shape.
  10. 16. stages to drug development
  11. 19. The scientific name given to a disease that cannot be passed from person to person.
  12. 21. Cause of athletes foot.
  13. 24. produced by viruses and can make us sick.