Microbiology Virial Overview

  1. 3. SS linear, vertebrate hosts, transmitted respiratory, erthroid asplasia.
  2. 6. Virus spread by rodents, cleaning urine, feces, and saliva
  3. 7. reverse transcriptase, can cause specific cytotoxic
  4. 9. large, brick-shaped, cause lesions, rash, and nodules.
  5. 10. flu-like symptoms with swollen parotid glands.
  6. 11. epidemic acute hemorrhagic fever, congo and anogola (african fruit bat)
  7. 13. a virus that attacks the body's immune system and when not treated can lead to AIDS
  8. 15. shell that surrounds nucleic acid in central core
  9. 16. a preventable viral disease most often transmitted through bite of a rabid animal
  10. 18. fever rapid onset, self-timing flu like, symptoms
  1. 1. crown like features extend from surface, spread through respiratory droplets.
  2. 2. spread by rodents, viral hemorrhagic fever.
  3. 4. respiratory droplets, infection of lower and upper
  4. 5. epidemic acute hemorrhagic fever,Congo and sudan
  5. 6. Over 100 strands, 8 regularly infect humans, highly contagious
  6. 8. replication of this virus occurs invade the most nucleus
  7. 10. a very contagious respiratory infection that causes a total-body skin rash and flu-like symptoms
  8. 12. replication of this virus occurs inside the cytoplasm
  9. 14. infectious agent that can only replicate within a host organism
  10. 17. arthropod borne (arboviruses) vs rodent borne (roboviruses)