Mid-Term Exam Review: Developmental Research Methods

  1. 3. How much an ethnographer reveals about him/herself
  2. 5. Linking a conceptual definition to a set of measurement techniques or procedures
  3. 6. When an ethnographer starts sampling events, times and places that will collect data to support his/her grounded theory
  4. 8. Type of coding in qualitative research that condenses data into broad themes
  5. 9. Type of research that measures objective facts and separates theory and data
  6. 12. When an ethnographer questions and notices ordinary details
  7. 15. Type of reliability that examines if several items measure the same construct
  8. 17. In qualitative research, this is the elements that are physically present and countable
  1. 1. Level of measurement that includes different categories, ranking, and allows distance between categories to be measured
  2. 2. As we collect data, we develop and revise the theory based on what the data tell us
  3. 4. A qualitative measurement technique where data are coded and then provided to the research participants for feedback.
  4. 7. Type of variable that contains a large number of values or attributes that flow along a continuum
  5. 10. In ethnography, people with formal or informal authority to control access to a site
  6. 11. Type of research that constructs social reality and cultural meaning and theory and data are fused
  7. 13. In ethnography, the particular location or setting where “members” live
  8. 14. Type of reliability that measures agreement between two raters
  9. 16. Gender, religion, and marital status are examples of this type of variable
  10. 18. Level of measurement that includes different categories only