Middle Ages Ch 1 Vocab

  1. 2. Church officials
  2. 3. The Middle Ages in European history between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Renaissance. AKA the "Dark Ages."
  3. 4. king of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor
  4. 5. An english document from 1215 that limited the power of the king and provided basic rights for citizens
  5. 10. Bishop of Rome; head of the Catholic church
  6. 11. receives protection and land from a lord in return for allegiance and performing military and other duties.
  7. 15. Head of the Roman Catholic Church
  8. 16. a religious community where monks live and work
  9. 18. an organization of people in the same craft or trade
  10. 19. A man who devotes his life to a religious group, often giving up all he owns.
  1. 1. A government ruled by a king or queen
  2. 2. a religious community for women known as nuns
  3. 6. a woman who devotes her life to religion and lives in a convent
  4. 7. the qualities idealized by knighthood such as bravery and courtesy toward women
  5. 8. a social system where people worked and fought for nobles who gave them protection and the use of land in return.
  6. 9. a farm in medieval Europe
  7. 12. skilled workers who make goods by hand
  8. 13. Peasants who lived on the lord's land, paid rent, and worked part-time for him.
  9. 14. A person who owned land/ the manor
  10. 17. LAND granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for service and loyalty