Middle Ages People and Terms

  1. 1. Buying and selling of religious offices
  2. 4. Anyone who refused to obey Church rules would not be able to receive sacraments
  3. 6. Authority of pope over everyone, including Kings and Queens
  4. 7. Body of laws defined by Church and used in the Church's court system
  5. 9. A 1/10 income tax was required to be given to the Church
  6. 10. Usually a lord's estate
  7. 12. Code of conduct adopted by knights
  8. 14. Excommunication of an entire town or kingdom
  9. 15. Monk who traveled and preached to the poor
  10. 16. prejudice against Jews
  11. 18. Land granted to a vassal by a lord
  12. 19. Lesser lord, pledged service and loyalty to greater lords
  1. 1. Worldly force
  2. 2. Political system in which a Vassal worked for a lord for land and protection
  3. 3. Envoys used by Charlemagne to help enforce his rule throughout
  4. 5. Mounted Warrior
  5. 8. Mock battle fought by knights
  6. 11. Sacred rituals of Catholic Church, were necessary to get into heaven
  7. 12. Middle ages are divided into Early ages, High ages, and Late ages
  8. 13. Rulers of powerful system who divided land among lesser lords
  9. 17. Peasants bound to a lord, were not slaves