Middle Ages Power Word Practice

  1. 1. Person who supervises local churches or a diocese
  2. 4. Knightly system of religious, moral, and ocial code
  3. 7. Estate of land given on condition of feudal service
  4. 9. Person who has authority or power over others
  5. 12. Holder of land in return for swearing loyalty to a Lord
  6. 13. Rules written for monks
  7. 15. Member of a religious community living under vows of poverty and obedience; usually men
  8. 16. Estate consisting of a Lord's land
  9. 18. Essential system of the Middle Ages where Vassals were protected and maintained by their lords
  1. 2. Right of success belonging to the firstborn child
  2. 3. Medieval siege engine with a sling to hurl missles
  3. 5. Referring to the Middle Ages
  4. 6. Where a community of monks live
  5. 8. Young man who served a knight
  6. 10. Person who held lands or property from the king or powerful overlord
  7. 11. Peasant or person in service to a Lord
  8. 14. Europe and Asia considered as one continent
  9. 17. Medieval group of merchants or artisans organized to protect the interest of its members