Middle Ages Revision

  1. 2. The title given to a person who forged horseshoes, farming equipment and other iron-based implements by hand.
  2. 7. The science, art, and business of cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising livestock; farming.
  3. 9. A businessperson engaged in buying and selling goods for a profit.
  4. 10. A medieval farming practice in which a field was ploughed but left unseeded during a growing season to help restore fertility.
  5. 12. A document of written promises between the king and his subjects.
  6. 14. An aristocratic title for a nobleman who received land in return for loyal service.
  7. 15. A term that refers to a geographical area over which a lord had control and could exercise particular powers; a manor contained a small village (or two for rich manors), a large manor house and a church.
  1. 1. A historical term that refers to a group of people who are considered the lowest of the medieval social classes and who are attached to a particular lord or manor and could be transferred from one owner to another.
  2. 3. A medieval farming practice in which ploughing and harrowing was used to prepare fields for the growing of crops.
  3. 4. Tapestry depicting the Battle of Hastings.
  4. 5. A special kind of serf entirely subject to a lord to whom they paid dues and completed particular services in exchange for land.
  5. 6. A political, social and economic organisation of society in which different classes owed services and obligations both to the classes below them as well as to the ones above; the adjective from feudalism is feudal.
  6. 8. Owing a payment or service in return for another service or favour.
  7. 11. A person who has entered into a mutual obligation with a lord.
  8. 13. A building considered to be the central church of a diocese from which a bishop presides.