Midnight Summers Dream Crossword

  1. 2. You
  2. 6. To make it difficult for (someone) to do something, or for (something) to happen.
  3. 7. As a consequence; for this reason. (as a result because of that, that being so, that being the case, on that account..
  4. 10. An ornament that appeals to the nose.
  5. 13. A flower, having fragrant yellow blooms.
  6. 16. An inhabitant of ancient Thrace. (from ancient Greece).
  7. 21. To consider or treat as contemptible or unworthy.
  8. 22. Not stirred by a breeze or wind. Not disclosed as a secret.
  9. 24. lacking of vegetation or incapable of producing offspring.
  10. 25. A secluded quite place.
  11. 27. To recant solemnly; renounce or repudiate. To renounce under oath; forswear.
  12. 29. Advice especially that given formally.
  13. 31. "turn melancholy forth to funerals; The pale companion is not for our ____."
  1. 1. To make the high-pitched crying sound of a cat;
  2. 3. Reject with disdain or contempt.
  3. 4. "Now,fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour Draws on ____ ;four happy days bring in another moon:"
  4. 5. A distinctive uniform worn by the male servants of a household.
  5. 8. Delicacies, made with sugar, combined with coloring & flavoring & often with fruit or nuts.
  6. 9. Lack of bravery.
  7. 11. The act of speaking to ones self.
  8. 12. A kind of wine bar for royals.
  9. 14. Trim something by cutting away it's outer edges.
  10. 15. To be taken & carried off by force; or to fill someone with intense delight; enrapture.
  11. 17. The quality or condition of being solemn.
  12. 18. "O, how mine eyes do _____ his visage now!"
  13. 19. Of or relating to marriage, or the wedding ceremony.
  14. 20. Attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage.
  15. 23. A widow who holds title or property derived from her deceased husband.
  16. 26. To call into question the integrity or validity of (a practice).
  17. 28. Before (in time)
  18. 30. A mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations