Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 1. “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the _______”
  2. 6. After the potion, who is Demetrius now in love with?
  3. 7. What is a repeated motif in the play
  4. 10. What does the love potion come from?
  5. 13. What does the moon mean to Hippolyta
  6. 14. what aspect does Puck bring to the play
  7. 18. Who is Demetrius originally in love with
  8. 19. How does Hippolyta feel about marrying Oberon
  9. 20. Who is Hermia in love with?
  10. 21. How did the scene where Puck was only talking to the audience show that the character had grown
  11. 22. Actors talking straight to the auidience
  12. 24. What does the moon seem to represent?
  13. 25. the potion ___ the characters in love
  14. 28. Who is Helena in love with
  1. 2. Who does Hermia’s father want her to marry?
  2. 3. After Oberon takes the potion off, what do the characters think happened?
  3. 4. Living prop in the play
  4. 5. How did Shakespeare interpret love to modern times
  5. 8. Who does Puck work for?
  6. 9. Why does Hermia’s father end up not caring that she is marrying Lysander?
  7. 11. What does Bottom’s head turn into?
  8. 12. Who thinks they can play every part in the play?
  9. 15. Where does this story take place?
  10. 16. “And Robin shall restore _______”
  11. 17. “The lunatic, the lover, and the _____”
  12. 19. What type of love do Hermia and Lysander share?
  13. 20. Why does Shakespeare show how love can change
  14. 23. What does Demetrius treat Helena like
  15. 26. the forest represents a sense of what
  16. 27. Who casts the love potion?