Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 2. Wild and mysterious place
  2. 8. Writes love notes and poems for Hermia
  3. 10. Egeus’s daughter
  4. 12. Ends up playing the part of Moonshine
  5. 13. One of the fairies with seed in her name
  6. 14. One of the fairies named after a speck
  7. 15. The king of the fairies
  8. 16. Forced to play a young girl in love in the play
  9. 19. Legendary queen of the Amazons
  10. 21. Overconfident weaver chosen to play Pyramus in the craftsmen’s play for Theseus’s marriage celebration
  11. 22. An angry father
  1. 1. Ends up playing the part of Wall, dividing the two lovers
  2. 3. duke of Athens
  3. 4. Falls in love with Nick Bottom when potion on eyes
  4. 5. Young man of Athens
  5. 6. Obsessed with Demetrius
  6. 7. Carpenter and the nominal leader of the craftsmen’s attempt to put on a play for Theseus’s marriage
  7. 9. One of the fairies named after a spiders web
  8. 11. One of the fairies with blossom in her name
  9. 17. Urban place
  10. 18. Plays the lion in the craftsmen’s play
  11. 20. Also known as Robin Goodfellow