Midterm Extra Credit Puzzle

  1. 4. Individuals who have a distinct criminal personality.
  2. 5. The failure to achieve positively valued goals.
  3. 7. Factors that protect youths from crime.
  4. 8. Theory that government intervention in the lives of delinquents makes matters worse.
  5. 12. State of affairs when the norms and values of society weaken and can no longer control behavior.
  6. 14. Developed theory of Differential Association.
  1. 1. Developed the concept of the "born criminal."
  2. 2. The person can thus no longer commit crime.
  3. 3. National Incident-Based Reporting System.
  4. 6. Theory that the law is the result of a battle between groups that have different levels of power.
  5. 9. People who adopt the culturally approved goals of society but pursues them through unacceptable means.
  6. 10. The use of the scientific method to study crime.
  7. 11. Delinquents deny responsibility, injury, victims, condemners, and appeal to higher loyalties for their crimes.
  8. 13. Criminals deserve punishment.