
  1. 2. “The spirit filled craftsman”
  2. 5. This King has a dream in the Haftarah Miketz.
  3. 6. The number of years Joseph had been in prison when called by Pharaoh.
  4. 9. How many cows are in Pharaoh’s dream?
  5. 12. This festival is said to coincide with Pharaoh’s birthday. 2words
  6. 14. The viceroy of Egypt accused the sons of Israel of being _____.
  7. 16. “Miketz” 3words
  8. 17. Joseph’s only “brother”, youngest born to Rachel.
  1. 1. This son of Israel was imprisoned while Joseph waited for his brothers to bring his brother.
  2. 3. Joseph’s wife
  3. 4. “Zaphenath-paneah”
  4. 7. He pledges for Benjamin.
  5. 8. “Hinneh!”
  6. 10. Joseph’s firstborn
  7. 11. The Haftarah’s King’s first case, Two ______ and a baby.
  8. 13. Joseph’s second child.
  9. 15. The number of years of famine, according to Pharaoh’s dream.