Milady Chapter 12 Basics of Chemistry (1)

  1. 3. Solids, liquids and gases are called ? of matter.
  2. 4. Solid, liquid, gas are ? forms.
  3. 8. The simplest form of chemical matter.
  4. 10. An ? is the basic unit of matter with a nucleus at the centre surrounded by negatively charged electrons that move around the nucleus, in orbits.
  5. 11. A molecule containing two or more atoms of the same element in definite proportions.
  6. 12. No fixed volume or shape; takes the shape and volume of its container.
  7. 14. A ? is a chemical combination of two or more atoms in definite proportions.
  8. 15. Definite volume but takes the shape of its container.
  9. 16. Subatomic particles with no charge.
  10. 18. Rigid; has a fixed shape and volume.
  1. 1. Is an example of compound molecules.
  2. 2. Subatomic particles with a positive charge.
  3. 4. Chemical ? are characteristics that can only be determined by a chemical reaction and a chemical change in the substance.
  4. 5. Compound molecules are also referred to ?
  5. 6. Chemistry which is the study of substances that do not contain the element carbon but may contain the element hydrogen.
  6. 7. Physical properties are characteristics that can be determined without a ? reaction and that do not involve a chemical change in the substance.
  7. 9. The vast majority of ? you come in contact with every day are safe and harmless.
  8. 13. An element cannot be broken down into a ? substance without a loss of identity.
  9. 14. Any substance that occupies space and has mass.
  10. 17. Chemistry which is the study of substances that contain the element carbon.